Florian Müller

Keynote Speaker


What you Believe is true


    Society, family, and more: Why our beliefs are not created by us

⊙     “That cannot be done”: Our beliefs are holding us back

     WHY: How to identify beliefs

     Changing limiting beliefs to empowering ones

Beliefs define us. Beliefs shape our reality. Beliefs decide how we act. In business, in relationships, in every aspect of life. But where did your beliefs come from? And are all of these beliefs empowering and helpful?  

I don’t think so! Most of us have unconscious, negative beliefs that govern our daily life. And we are not even aware of this.

My mission is to change that!
I help individuals and organizations all around the world to find and change their limiting beliefs.

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changing rules and belieFs in companies

Rules and beliefs are everywhere. Especially in cooperations! But are they empowering?
From Nike's "Just Do It" to Apple's "Think Different".

This workshop is an in-depth way to find limiting rules and beliefs in organizations. These could be general beliefs, beliefs held in certain departments, or beliefs held by only one person.

    Thorough outline of how beliefs are created (in organizations and in individuals)

⊙     Identification of hidden, limiting beliefs and rules inside the organization

     Establishment of empowering beliefs and rules

     Extensive guidance on how to change limiting beliefs to empowering ones

     Setting up a road map for future success

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